How to Windows10/11 Driver Export ?


This is a procedure for bulk exporting installed drivers from Windows that can be used when you want to backup drivers during Windows 11 migration or when creating your own PC, or when you want to archive acquired versions of driver packs for troubleshooting. This is a command-based script that saves the text of the export log and the list of installed drivers as text.

Script Design

There are a few quirks in the description due to the creation and lengthening of the branch. I designed the following

  • Obtain the model name of the executing PC, create a folder, and store the file
  • Confirm execution when folders are generated to avoid inadvertent overwriting
  • Save command execution logs as text
  • Save a textual list of drivers installed on the PC on which you run the program
graph TD; A[Start Driver Export] --> B[Check if directory exists]; B -->|Yes| C[Ask to overwrite]; C -->|Y| D[Export new file]; C -->|N| E[Stop processing]; D --> F[Record list of drivers]; F --> G[Check for errors]; G -->|Errors| H[Export error message]; G -->|No errors| I[Driver export completed]; E --> J[Exit]; H --> J; I --> J; B -->|No| D;

Explanation and Purpose

  • Create your own set when a driver set is not released when creating a deployment image
  • I want to back up my driver set after setup on my own PC

Target Audience

  • Able to use and understand Windows commands
  • Able to work on Windows deployments

Export Command

Save the following as a BAT file.
The description of echo is written in English, so it may be easier to use if you can translate it into Japanese if necessary. If you do so, please set the strings to ANSI to avoid character corruption. Some delayed environment variables are used for convenience of the command.

BAT (Batchfile)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo ---------------------------------------
echo Start Driver Export
echo Running. Please keep waiting...
echo ---------------------------------------
set "model="
for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%a in ('wmic computersystem get model') do if not defined model set "model=%%a"
set "model=%model: =%"
set "model=%model:_=%"

if exist "C:\Drivers\%model%" (
    echo The directory C:\Drivers\%model% already exists.
    set /p overwrite="Do you want to overwrite it? (Y/N):"
    if /i "!overwrite!"=="y" goto :yes
    if /i "!overwrite!"=="Y" goto :yes
    if /i "!overwrite!"=="n" goto :no
    if /i "!overwrite!"=="N" goto :no
    echo Invalid input. Please enter Y or N.

REM ------------ Yes Overwrite --------------
echo Yes. Export new File. Prease waiting...
md "C:\Drivers\%model%"
dism /online /export-driver /destination:"C:\Drivers\%model%" > "C:\Drivers\%model%\DriverExport_log.txt"

echo ---------------------------------------
echo Record the list of drivers installed on the PC to text using pnputil.
echo This is the reference source if you want to know the details of the OEM file name recorded in DriverExport_log.txt
echo ---------------------------------------
pnputil /enum-drivers > "C:\Drivers\%model%\DriverList.txt"

if not errorlevel 0 (
    echo "Errors occurred"
) else (
    echo "Driver export is completed"

REM --------------- No stop -----------------
echo Processing stopped because N was selected


Install Command

As a supplement, we also write a few installation commands to make use of the exported drivers.

There are two main installation methods: Windows online and offline, with different commands depending on whether Windows is online or offline. Offline means that you are not running Windows, but have mounted Windows, such as by mounting Wim or by running WindowsPE.

This time, the offline state is assumed to be during Windows OS deployment image creation.

Windows online case

In the following command example, the drivers are placed in C:\drivers. The PATH should be changed according to your environment.
Microsoft Official PnPUtil Examples

Since Windows is online, some drivers may fail to overwrite. In this case, consider booting the PC from Windows PE, etc. and installing offline.

BAT (Batchfile)
pnputil /add-driver C:\drivers\*inf /subdirs /install

Windows offline case

In the following command example, the drivers are placed in N:\drivers. The PATH can be changed to suit your environment. The drive letter can be set appropriately.
Microsoft Official Add and Remove Driver packages to an offline Windows Image

BAT (Batchfile)
DISM /image:C:\ add-driver /Driver:N:\drivers /Recurse